Pokemon Go – More bugs than a Caterpie Nest

A while back, I wrote an article (more of a rant, really) about the lack of quality control required before launching a game as one of the main reasons I don’t talk about new RPGs on this blog. I talked about Lost Dimension and its excessive amount of bugs and glitches, causing me to end up hating a game I should have absolutely loved. Well, it’s happened again. Another game has surfaced that is riddled with bugs, and a lack of communication from the developer about said bugs. I think that if you are a human person, you should know which game I’m talking about. Today’s culprit is the newly-famous Pokemon Go.


As we all know, Pokemon Go has taken the world by storm (or at least the parts of the world the game has launched so far). It’s a great way to spend your time while travelling, you meet lots of new people while playing the game, and it’s an overall pleasant experience. The game has been out for more than two weeks for many of the launched countries, and even as I’m writing this article, Hong Kong has been launched.

While I don’t necessarily agree with the fact that they launched a few countries at a time, I understand that there are laws and regulations at work that is hindering a global launch. My real issues here stem from the fact that new countries are being added BEFORE major bug fixes have been corrected. The footprint method for tracking Pokemon has been bugged for over a week, and seemingly longer for other players according to tweets I’ve seen. I’ve even messaged Niantic about the issue through their “report a bug” section of the site, and have not heard anything. It’s not even on their list of known issues. Instead of using a core feature in the game, I am forced to rely on third-party websites that are able to track Pokemon locations for me.

Aside from this, the game still freezes intermittently, the graphics can be buggy, and the game has forced me to restart the app on a regular basis. So why did the game launch when it was not ready for the public. I have some theories.

First, I’m sure there was some shareholder pressure to launch the game that had been hyped up for all this time. Even with the broken game launch, Pokemon Go has made record amounts of money from the general public. Granted, this would have happened regardless of when the game launched, but there has been guaranteed success to get money sooner rather than later.

Second, the window of launch has happened during the summer months. By launching when the weather is nice and warm, more people are encouraged to go out and enjoy the game. I know I hate the winter and do whatever I can to not go out when it’s frigid cold.

Third, the voices of complaints are being drowned out by the fact that the game is still being played. I’m sure that there are those who are not bothering to play until the bugs have been fixed and the game is more stable. Frankly, I don’t blame them. These people however are a minority in comparison to the millions of users on every day catching Pokemon.

As always, I can understand all of these reasons for launching the game when they did. That doesn’t mean I excuse the fact that core mechanics of the game are not functioning the way they should. Have I stopped playing? No. In fact, I still encourage people to play the game. What I do need to say is that Niantic’s refusal to address the current issues, and focus more on launching the game in new countries instead is a mistake. They should really be focusing on their current customer base first. Until they do, I will not be putting any further money into the game for fear of losing a timed item due to server outage and not being compensated for it.

I sincerely hope that Niantic gets their act together.

Pokemon Go – More bugs than a Caterpie Nest

Playthrough Journal – Digimon World Data Squad Part 4


Play Time: 6 Hours, 57 Minutes

Average Party level: 19

The Story So Far

Kagura’s Sister, Yuma, has been tracked to Livlius Island. This sector is known for its dragon-type Digimon. After a thorough search, and the help of a friendly Pandamon, DATS locates the Mao Digimon Lilithmon. Her defeat released Yuma, and as expected, Kosaburo and Biyomon tried and failed to retrieve the code key. Yuma and her Renamon have been safely returned to DATS for treatment, when another Mao Digimon signature appears. DATS Deploy!

How am I doing? Find out below!

Continue reading “Playthrough Journal – Digimon World Data Squad Part 4”

Playthrough Journal – Digimon World Data Squad Part 4

Review – Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne COVER

Developer: Atlus
Platform: PlayStation 2
Genre: Turn-Based RPG
Release Date: October 12th, 2014


The Conception, a powerful event that will allow for the rebirth of the world, has begun. However, in order to recreate the world, it must be destroyed. This destruction has devastated everything and unleashed a horde of demons upon the world. As one of the few survivors, you have been selected to become the Demi-Fiend, and help determine the fate of the new world. With several different factions forming, and differing beliefs on how the new world should be, your choice will determine the future of humanity. Who will you trust?

My review after the break!

Continue reading “Review – Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne”

Review – Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

Censorship in RPG Games Part 3 – Sexuality

Before we begin, I want to state for the record that this piece is going to include a lot of information regarding modern RPG games. While I did say that the focus of this site is about old games, this particular discussion is about censorship that is still very much alive to this day, and it would be impossible to illustrate my points without them.

Read on after the break! Continue reading “Censorship in RPG Games Part 3 – Sexuality”

Censorship in RPG Games Part 3 – Sexuality

Playthrough Journal – Digimon World Data Squad Part 3


Play Time: 5 Hours, 31 Minutes

Average Party Level: 16

The Story So Far

The investigation of Mirage Museum has begun. While searching for the huge energy signature, The DATS team is shown an image of Kagura’s little sister being absorbed by a Digimon in another area. They are shortly after confronted by Barbamon. His defeat also released one of the missing children, who was also holding a mysterious card. Once again, the card was taken by Kosaburo and his Biyomon. What is Kosaburo’s goal, and what is his connection to the missing children?

Check out my thoughts so far!

Continue reading “Playthrough Journal – Digimon World Data Squad Part 3”

Playthrough Journal – Digimon World Data Squad Part 3

Playthrough Journal – Digimon World Data Squad Part 2


Play Time: 3 Hours, 15 Minutes

Average Party Level: 12

The Story So Far

DATS has been assigned to investigate a large anomaly at Rage Cavern. Upon locating the anomaly, they find the source of the anomaly to be Belphemon. After his defeat, a human child appears before them holding a strange card. This card is stolen by a private investigator and his partner Digmon, Biyomon. Shortly after, another large Reading is found in Mirage Cavern, and Marcus and his team are joined by Crier to help with the investigation.

Continue reading “Playthrough Journal – Digimon World Data Squad Part 2”

Playthrough Journal – Digimon World Data Squad Part 2

Censorship in RPG Games Part 1 – Religion

So today marks the first part of my pieces related to censorship in RPGs. As I mentioned in my introduction post, and will probably mention again repeatedly, I will be using as many older RPGs as examples as possible to illustrate examples, and points I am trying to get across. In some cases, I will also mention newer RPG titles if and when needed to illustrate current trends in the many forms of censorship. Since this blog focuses on RPGs, I will not be mentioning other genres if I can avoid it.

Read more after the break!

Continue reading “Censorship in RPG Games Part 1 – Religion”

Censorship in RPG Games Part 1 – Religion

Censorship in RPG Games

This month, I have decided to spend some time writing about how video games, RPGs in particular, have been censored over the years for various types of content. It’s an issue I’ve been seeing happen more and more as I’ve gotten older, and I felt like addressing my own views on the matter.

For the next three weeks, every Wednesday will have a new article posted about a different type of censorship. They will highlight examples of games, both old and new, that have been censored or modified for whatever reason, and I will do my best to highlight my own opinion of them.

So, before I post these, I just wanted to set some expectations for those who read this.

Continue reading “Censorship in RPG Games”

Censorship in RPG Games

Playthrough Journal – Digimon World Data Squad Part 1


Play time: 1 Hour, 32 Minutes

Average Party Level: 8

The Story So Far:

The DATS squad has been ordered to track down a wild Bakemon that has been causing trouble in the digital world. After finding and subduing him, he suddenly digivolved into Myotismon. Thanks to an on-the-fly strategy by Thomas, Myotismon was defeated quickly. At the DATS Headquarters, the team learns that an area of the digital world known as the Dark Area is likely the cause of the wild Digimon, as well as some missing children in the human world. The team is assigned to investigate, while Marcus keeps a lookout for Creepymon, the Digimon who beat him and Agumon.

Continue reading “Playthrough Journal – Digimon World Data Squad Part 1”

Playthrough Journal – Digimon World Data Squad Part 1